Lucknow-Sarthak Foundation, which provides free of cost education to around 900 children living in slums, celebrated its Foundation Day with the children on 5th and 6th of April at Lohia Park and IILM College respectively.
The entire celebration was centered on making children more sensitive and responsible human being. One activity was a Pay It Forward in which children made beautiful animal and bird feeders for respective Yellow Rooms (rooms set up inside the community, running programs free of cost for all the children there) to ensure no stray animal and birds are left hungry.
A very interesting concept was the formation of Sarthak Panchayat in which 6 committees were formed and children were asked to nominate for committees based on their skills and expertise.
This was done to bring in leadership and problem solving qualities among young minds. Another very beautiful activity took place where children from each Yellow Room shared their best practices.
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